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news-openapi.naver.com |
유튜브에 THAT GIRL CHALLENGE, THAT GIRL VLOG 등 간단히 검색만 해보아도 게시물들이 폭설 마냥 쏟아진다. 갓생살기와 비슷한 맥락이지만 THA... |
[WT논평] The world’s most urgent problem (2)
bigkinds.or.kr |
Simply put, halting meat consumption in the United States completely would not make a slight differe... |
[YBM 톡톡 생활영어] The more, the merrier! 사람이야 많을수록 더 재미있고 좋지!
bigkinds.or.kr |
◇ 오늘의 학습 주제
A:Something caught my eye that was out-of-this-world.
B: That sounds thrilling. 전부 다 낱... |
[YBM 톡톡 생활영어] Sign me up. 나도 끼어줘 .
bigkinds.or.kr |
◇오늘의 학습 주제
A:Something caught my eye that was out-of-this-world.
B: That sounds thrilling. 전부 다 낱... |
[YBM 톡톡 생활영어] You owe it to yourself. 넌 그렇게 즐겨도 돼.
bigkinds.or.kr |
◇ 오늘의 학습 주제
A:Something caught my eye that was out-of-this-world.
B: That sounds thrilling. 전부 다 낱... |
[영어]굿모닝 잉글리쉬<2195>
bigkinds.or.kr |
take cover.(피난하다.)
Tim :The weather report said that a typhoon
is coming. a bad one!
Tina:Yeah.... |
[송오현의 스마트 잉글리쉬] My car was recalled. I have to take it in to get it checked
bigkinds.or.kr |
A: My car was recalled. I have to take it in to get it checked.
B: That’s happening a lot lately. ... |
해커스의 `생생 영어` (868)
bigkinds.or.kr |
◇ 오늘의 토익 문제
- Identify the option that contains an awkward expression or an error in grammar.
1.... |
[WT논평] Faith-based science comes a cropper
bigkinds.or.kr |
The chief of the United Nations climate change panel is passionate about his global warming beliefs,... |
[WT논평] Rigged ‘science’
bigkinds.or.kr |
A fractured Supreme Court on Monday largely upheld the Environmental Protection Agency’s radical rul... |
[WT논평] Polar vortex threatens global warming delusions
bigkinds.or.kr |
Winter’s the favorite time of year for climate denialists. Self-proclaimed experts and distinguished... |
[WT논평] Why anti-pesticide campaigns do unintended harm
bigkinds.or.kr |
While pesticides have risks that must be managed, they also provide important benefits to farmers, g... |
[WT논평] Blaming the developed world for the forces of nature
bigkinds.or.kr |
The door has been opened to requiring that we compensate developing countries for the impact of extr... |
[WT논평] Restoring facts to climate science
bigkinds.or.kr |
The report, titled “Working Group I: The Physical Science Basis,” is the first volume of a series of... |
[WT논평] Diverting food for fuel
bigkinds.or.kr |
Aclever ActionAid U.K. video asks Londoners to sign a petition that claims “greedy people in develop... |
[WT논평] A climate milestone
bigkinds.or.kr |
For Al Gore, it’s “a sad milestone.” Scientists have announced that the level of carbon dioxide in t... |
[WT논평] A climate milestone
bigkinds.or.kr |
For Al Gore, it’s “a sad milestone.” Scientists have announced that the level of carbon dioxide in t... |
[필립 맥클로이 교수 톡톡 생활영어]What's gotten into you?
bigkinds.or.kr |
[대전=중도일보] Two roommates are arguing.
(두 하숙생이 논쟁을 벌이고 있다.)
A. For the love of God, turn down t... |
[WT논평] EPA witch hunts on taxpayer dime
bigkinds.or.kr |
President Obama has made it pretty clear to his environmental extremist friends that during his seco... |
[WT논평] Doggy discrimination
bigkinds.or.kr |
Advertising kittens or puppies for sale could soon be a crime summoning federal agents and SWAT team... |
[WT사설] Blowing smoke over global warming/여름 더위가 지구온난화 탓이냐
bigkinds.or.kr |
Legend has it that Washington was built on a swamp, and its sweltering summers add credence to the s... |
[WT논평] Blowing smoke over global warming
bigkinds.or.kr |
Legend has it that Washington was built on a swamp, and its sweltering summers add credence to the s... |
[WT사설] Court decrees global warming/지구온난화에 대한 법원의 무지한 판결
bigkinds.or.kr |
The U.S. Court of Appeals in Washington ruled June 26 that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)... |
[WT논평] Court decrees global warming
bigkinds.or.kr |
The U.S. Court of Appeals in Washington ruled June 26 that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)... |
[WT사설] EPA’s scary-air sniffers/개인 휴대용 오염탐지기가 필요할까
bigkinds.or.kr |
Americans on their way to work or school may soon be reaching for a new high-tech device as they hea... |
[WT논평] EPA’s scary-air sniffers
bigkinds.or.kr |
Americans on their way to work or school may soon be reaching for a new high-tech device as they hea... |
[WT논평] Teaching global warming in kindergarten
bigkinds.or.kr |
By Joy Pullmann(fellow at the Heartland Institute)
The Public Broadcast Service recently reported... |
[WT사설] Obama’s twisty light-bulb logic/형광등의 위험한 수은
bigkinds.or.kr |
Mr. Obama claimed that “by substantially reducing emissions of pollutants that contribute to neurolo... |
[비즈니스 유머] 바퀴벌레의 품격
bigkinds.or.kr |
Two roaches were munching on garbage in an alley when one engages a discussion about a new restauran... |