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갓생 살기
유튜브에 THAT GIRL CHALLENGE, THAT GIRL VLOG 등 간단히 검색만 해보아도 게시물들이 폭설 마냥 쏟아진다. 갓생살기와 비슷한 맥락이지만 THA...

검색  vlog  challenge  girl  that  맥락  게시물  유튜브  건강  건강  기관  음식  음식  운동  운동  관리  관리  폭설  폭설  
카테고리 미 설정     2022-06-28

[WT논평] The world’s most urgent problem (2)
Simply put, halting meat consumption in the United States completely would not make a slight differe...

is  that  climate  the  대다수  방출  in  행성  메탄가스  불만  인간  시간  소비  손상  확대  차지  동물  중립  발전  반대  중단  원인  탄소  온실가스  환경  
카테고리 미 설정     2021-09-13

[YBM 톡톡 생활영어] The more, the merrier! 사람이야 많을수록 더 재미있고 좋지!
◇ 오늘의 학습 주제 A:Something caught my eye that was out-of-this-world. B: That sounds thrilling. 전부 다 낱...

out  do  that  the  who  영어  of  학습  자동차  얘기  사람  오늘  주제  생활  쓰레기  
카테고리 미 설정     2017-06-18

[YBM 톡톡 생활영어] Sign me up. 나도 끼어줘 .
◇오늘의 학습 주제 A:Something caught my eye that was out-of-this-world. B: That sounds thrilling. 전부 다 낱...

out  do  that  the  who  영어  of  학습  up  자동차  얘기  오늘  주제  생활  쓰레기  
카테고리 미 설정     2017-04-11

[YBM 톡톡 생활영어] You owe it to yourself. 넌 그렇게 즐겨도 돼.
◇ 오늘의 학습 주제 A:Something caught my eye that was out-of-this-world. B: That sounds thrilling. 전부 다 낱...

out  do  to  that  전부  the  who  영어  it  of  학습  자동차  얘기  오늘  주제  생활  쓰레기  
카테고리 미 설정     2017-03-14

[영어]굿모닝 잉글리쉬<2195>
take cover.(피난하다.) Tim :The weather report said that a typhoon is coming. a bad one! Tina:Yeah....

is  피난  that  the  영어  we  예보  태풍  
카테고리 미 설정     2016-11-14

[송오현의 스마트 잉글리쉬] My car was recalled. I have to take it in to get it checked
A: My car was recalled. I have to take it in to get it checked. B: That’s happening a lot lately. ...

to  that  the  special  수사  in  it  we  of  범죄  스마트  com  조사  황사  
카테고리 미 설정     2016-03-08

해커스의 `생생 영어` (868)
◇ 오늘의 토익 문제 - Identify the option that contains an awkward expression or an error in grammar. 1....

or  캘리포니아  experience  to  that  권고  the  영어  in  산불  of  당부  이후  오늘  산림  이번  문제  관리  최악  가뭄  
카테고리 미 설정     2015-05-02

[WT논평] Faith-based science comes a cropper
The chief of the United Nations climate change panel is passionate about his global warming beliefs,...

out  do  is  that  천연가스  climate  열정  science  편지  the  who  global  반기문  동식물  share  사명  행성  생존  유엔  연료  화석  사무총장  석유  자신  of  기반  지속  지구  생태  보호  이상  탄소  환경  
카테고리 미 설정     2015-03-26

[WT논평] Rigged ‘science’
A fractured Supreme Court on Monday largely upheld the Environmental Protection Agency’s radical rul...

카테고리 미 설정     2014-07-24

[WT논평] Polar vortex threatens global warming delusions
Winter’s the favorite time of year for climate denialists. Self-proclaimed experts and distinguished...

that  climate  the  패턴  태양  global  for  채택  하락  수은주  영하  계절  초래  일반  과학자  of  주장  전문가  변화  자연  운동  국민  책임  도달  현상  기후  
카테고리 미 설정     2014-02-03

[WT논평] Why anti-pesticide campaigns do unintended harm
While pesticides have risks that must be managed, they also provide important benefits to farmers, g...

do  미량  악성  why  과일  살충제  업자  to  that  농부  in  of  홍보  그룹  건강  사용  화학  노력  단체  재배  이전  문제  시작  실무  물질  환경  
카테고리 미 설정     2014-02-02

[WT논평] Blaming the developed world for the forces of nature
The door has been opened to requiring that we compensate developing countries for the impact of extr...

결함  냉각  no  to  that  the  nature  for  오늘날  극한  빈도  인위  we  인간  of  제기  선진국  기간  과학  변화  지구  사이  발생  추정  원인  현상  기후  
카테고리 미 설정     2013-12-29

[WT논평] Restoring facts to climate science
The report, titled “Working Group I: The Physical Science Basis,” is the first volume of a series of...

is  to  가설  that  group  climate  science  축적  the  ipcc  part  위험  체제  인위  예측  이산화  of  의문  제기  달성  증가  수준  안정  내용  대기  모델  포함  작업  목표  현상  중심  탄소  온실가스  기후  
카테고리 미 설정     2013-10-16

[WT논평] Diverting food for fuel
Aclever ActionAid U.K. video asks Londoners to sign a petition that claims “greedy people in develop...

탄화수소  정치인  to  that  for  in  fuel  식품  연료  농경지  장소  인위  손상  of  행사  계획  생물  변화  공급  과정  보호  환경  
카테고리 미 설정     2013-08-08

[WT논평] A climate milestone
For Al Gore, it’s “a sad milestone.” Scientists have announced that the level of carbon dioxide in t...

to  that  climate  atmosphere  the  who  for  in  carbon  it  of  운동가  환경  
카테고리 미 설정     2013-06-19

[WT논평] A climate milestone
For Al Gore, it’s “a sad milestone.” Scientists have announced that the level of carbon dioxide in t...

to  that  climate  atmosphere  the  who  for  in  carbon  it  of  운동가  환경  
카테고리 미 설정     2013-06-18

[필립 맥클로이 교수 톡톡 생활영어]What's gotten into you?
[대전=중도일보] Two roommates are arguing. (두 하숙생이 논쟁을 벌이고 있다.) A. For the love of God, turn down t...

cd  so  중도  that  the  베스트  for  영어  필립  대전  교수  of  일보  생활  쓰레기  
카테고리 미 설정     2013-04-16

[WT논평] EPA witch hunts on taxpayer dime
President Obama has made it pretty clear to his environmental extremist friends that during his seco...

프레드  on  보호국  인자  잠재  to  that  environmental  the  질문  친구  자리  기고  it  고려  위험  사실  순위  칼럼  접근  부담  과학  포기  전문  평가  산업  최근  기자  오염  중심  환경  
카테고리 미 설정     2012-12-05

[WT논평] Doggy discrimination
Advertising kittens or puppies for sale could soon be a crime summoning federal agents and SWAT team...

is  or  on  that  접촉  the  for  at  team  강요  of  만족  경우  제한  사람  최고  동물  사육  유지  사회  책임  하루  목표  환경  
카테고리 미 설정     2012-10-09

[WT사설] Blowing smoke over global warming/여름 더위가 지구온난화 탓이냐
Legend has it that Washington was built on a swamp, and its sweltering summers add credence to the s...

증거  on  to  that  the  global  city  it  유엔  사설  온난  인간  더위  보고서  장기  동향  사람  이용  여름  지적  변화  지구  발표  위원회  정부  특별  기후  
카테고리 미 설정     2012-08-12

[WT논평] Blowing smoke over global warming
Legend has it that Washington was built on a swamp, and its sweltering summers add credence to the s...

on  to  that  워싱턴  the  믿음  global  city  it  연료  화석  온난  인간  더위  보고서  상승  기온  이용  사용  여름  변화  지구  최근  발표  위원회  특별  원인  기후  
카테고리 미 설정     2012-08-11

[WT사설] Court decrees global warming/지구온난화에 대한 법원의 무지한 판결
The U.S. Court of Appeals in Washington ruled June 26 that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)...

탄산가스  보호국  to  that  environmental  the  global  in  carbon  사설  온난  인간  판결  공기  보고서  기온  of  적용  청정  지구  활동  환경  
카테고리 미 설정     2012-07-31

[WT논평] Court decrees global warming
The U.S. Court of Appeals in Washington ruled June 26 that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)...

카테고리 미 설정     2012-07-30

[WT사설] EPA’s scary-air sniffers/개인 휴대용 오염탐지기가 필요할까
Americans on their way to work or school may soon be reaching for a new high-tech device as they hea...

out  or  on  보호국  to  that  new  the  for  at  장치  필수  사설  공포  이산화  of  가스  장비  개인  각종  자연  필요  지구  발견  감시  오염  탄소  환경  
카테고리 미 설정     2012-07-09

[WT논평] EPA’s scary-air sniffers
Americans on their way to work or school may soon be reaching for a new high-tech device as they hea...

out  or  on  보호국  to  that  new  the  for  at  장치  냄새  반응  실제  공포  인체  of  측정  생명  상상  장비  개인  계획  각종  노력  대기  개발  감시  오염  보호  환경  
카테고리 미 설정     2012-07-08

[WT논평] Teaching global warming in kindergarten
By Joy Pullmann(fellow at the Heartland Institute) The Public Broadcast Service recently reported...

that  climate  the  global  at  in  인간  of  자유  조기  교육  지구  문제점  보호  환경  
카테고리 미 설정     2012-07-03

[WT사설] Obama’s twisty light-bulb logic/형광등의 위험한 수은
Mr. Obama claimed that “by substantially reducing emissions of pollutants that contribute to neurolo...

보호국  to  that  the  함유  수은  방출  사설  석탄  연료  화석  공격  발전소  위험  health  of  먼지  실내  부담  공간  각종  산업  폐쇄  관련  오염  독성  환경  
카테고리 미 설정     2012-02-22

[비즈니스 유머] 바퀴벌레의 품격
Two roaches were munching on garbage in an alley when one engages a discussion about a new restauran...

is  on  so  that  new  the  골목  비즈니스  in  it  얘기  레스토랑  품격  쓰레기  
카테고리 미 설정     2011-07-04

강찬수의 재미있는 자연 이야기 ④ 지구 온난화의 피해
“2도냐 아니냐. 그것이 문제로다.(2℃ or not 2℃? That is the climate question.)” 최근 네이처 인터넷판에 게재된 영국 엑스터대 팀 렌턴 교수의 ...

is  or  햄릿  to  that  climate  the  게재  제목  기고  영국  온난  대사  교수  유명  전문  피해  인터넷  변화  자연  이야기  지구  최근  핵심  문제  기자  기후  환경  
카테고리 미 설정     2011-05-25

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