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수집 사이트 수 : 2 수집된 정보 : 1139535총 태그 수 : 13171 매칭된 태그 수 : 16635890
최근 업데이트 된 사이트 수 : 1 최근 한주 정보 : 147
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Dodgers' Kim Hye-seong belts 1st spring homer; Giants' Lee Jung-hoo gets ...
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"I want to do that as much as possible." Lee, who, unlike Kim, won't have to worry ... |
부산 BNK 썸 여자프로농구단, 3일 삼성생명과 플레이오프 1차전...포스트...
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Basketball fans who wish to watch the game can make advance reservations through the Ticket L... |
Protests Erupt at Tesla Dealerships Over Musk’s Government Cuts
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Actor and filmmaker Alex Winter, who helped coordinate the protests, wrote in Rolling Stone t... |
선관위의 세습고용 사태, 탄핵·특검 전문당(?) 민주당은 왜 침묵하나?
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It is not that I do not understand the legal judgment that took into account the risk of viol... |
Korea’s fitness paradox: Gyms are closing, but boutique studios are thr...
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instructor-led workouts in small group settings. These studios specialize in high-intensity i... |
하루 5분만 '이것'하면…치매 발병 위험 뚝 떨어져
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세계보건기구(WHO)는 주당 150~300분의 중등도 운동(하루 평균 최소 20분), 또는 주당 75분~150분의 고강도 신체활동을 권장하고 있습니다. 한편, 퇴행성 ... |
가평소방서, 노인요양시설 현장 안전컨설팅 실시
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This on-site safety consulting was conducted to raise safety awareness among nursing home staff w... |
김동근 의정부시장, 가능동 주민센터에서 현장시장실 운영
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이날 접수된 상담 내용으로는 교외선 열차 소음 문제, 유치원 인근 수목 관리, 어린이놀이터 위생 관리, 입석마을 도로 확장, 농업인 직불금 문의 등에 관한 사항이...... |
Starmer Rallies Western Leaders to Strengthen Ukraine Support Amid Trump ...
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They aim to solidify a European-led security framework for Ukraine while keeping U.S. involve... |
Drone security, social justice AI: Korea's young women pitch tomorrow's t...
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Han Ji-yeon, the youngest participant, was one of the most confident speakers of the afternoo... |
‘마녀’ 박진영, 노정의와 위험한 초근접 대면..‘죽음의 법칙’ 검증...
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However, Dong-jin, who has been quietly analyzing the law from afar while staying by Mi-jeong... |
"투석, 미루면 '이런' 문제까지"…올바른 관리도 중요해 [인터뷰]
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세계보건기구(WHO)나 국제신장학회에서 설정한 하루 권장 소금 섭취량은 5g이며, 우리나라 사람은 이보다 많은, 하루 평균 9.8g의 소금을 먹습니다. 소금은 우리 몸... |
3 out of 10 doctorate holders in Korea are jobless
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obtained Ph.D. last year were unemployed, with the ratio going up to nearly 50 percent for th... |
‘It Was Clear That No One Really Wanted to Be on the Train’
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could fit. “Guys, really?” she said. “Make room for me. Please.” No response. “I can... Meanw... |
Zelenskiy’s White House Clash with Trump Threatens U.S. Aid to Ukraine
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The exchange, in which Trump and Vice President JD Vance criticized Zelenskiy for alleged disrespect... |
‘SM 신인 걸그룹’ 하츠투하츠, 첫 미니 팬미팅+에이나 ‘음중’ MC 데...
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In particular, Aina, who was selected as the new MC for ‘Show! Music Core’, received favorabl... |
로제 ‘아파트’, 英 오피셜 순위 상승…‘스테디셀러’ 지민 ‘후’
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방탄소년단(BTS) 지민의 솔로 2집 타이틀곡 ‘후’(Who)는 그야말로 스테디셀러다. 전주보다 7계단 하락한 44위를 기록했으나, 누적 26주째 차트에 이름을 올리는... |
앉아 있는 시간 너무 긴 한국인, 결국 정부까지 나섰다
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세계보건기구(WHO)도 성인들에게 매주 최소 150분의 중강도 유산소 운동을 권장하고 있다. 좌식 시간이 길어질 경우, 간단한 움직임만으로도 부작용을 줄일 수 있다. ... |
An Immigrant Neighborhood Where Trump Made Inroads Now Fears ICE Raids
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The restaurant’s Mexican waitress, who is undocumented, witnessed federal immigration... arri... |
The Streaming Rush to Turn Scripture Into Scripts
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shepherd who used a sling and stone to defeat the giant Goliath before assuming King Saul’s..... |
‘Full on Fight Club’: How Trump Is Crushing U.S. Climate Policy
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administration who believed that process and the legal system would slow or deter him. The...... |
콩고서 '48시간 내 사망' 전염병 급속 확산… 53명 사망
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25일(현지 시각) AP 통신 등 외신에 따르면 세계보건기구(WHO) 아프리카 사무소는 지난달 21일부터 콩고 북서부... WHO는 “감염병의 원인을 파악... |
Korea's North Jeolla to bid for 2036 Summer Olympics
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“North Jeolla’s selection as Korea’s candidate for the Olympics is an achievement made possible by t... |
Over 100,000 protesters turn out for rival impeachment rallies over March...
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But there are so many people that we got separated,” said a 64-year-old, surnamed Park, who..... |
83% of South Koreans have never had chance to really get to know a foreig...
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The 16.8 percent of respondents who did engage with non-Koreans said their contact was mainly... |
[신간 서평]이수민 장편소설 『불로초를 찾아 떠난 100세 노인』 출간
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> [New book review] Lee Su-min's full-length novel, 'The 100-year-old man who set out to f... |
정승윤 부산교육감 예비후보 "국어·영어 문해력 향상 진단평가 추진, ...
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Through his first pledge, candidate Jeong plans to prepare for changes in the educational environmen... |
안철수, WHO 방문…"대한민국의 보건 역할·위상 확인"
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안 의원은 4차 산업혁명 시대의 보건의료 혁신을 주도할 AI 기술의 중요성을 강조하며, 한국의 첨단 의료기술과 글로벌 협력의 접점을 확대할 필요성을 역설했다. 스위스 ... |
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Muslims observe first day of Ramadan in Sana'a epaselect epa11933778 Muslims gather to have..... |
동두천시의회, 정부 강력 규탄 결의문 발표
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Citizens who want to use the new road have no choice but to take a long detour, but the detou... |