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정보 바로가기 : [영어]굿모닝 잉글리쉬<2195>
[영어]굿모닝 잉글리쉬<2195>[카테고리 설정이 아직되어 있지 않습니다.]
take cover.(피난하다.) Tim :The weather report said that a typhoon is coming. a bad one! Tina:Yeah. I saw the same report. Tim :The weather forecaster said we should take cover during the storm... [영어]굿모닝 잉글리쉬<2195> take cover.(피난하다.) .. ..Tim ..:The weather report said that a typhoon .. .. .. is coming... a bad one! .. ..Tina:Yeah... I saw the same report. .. ..Tim ..:일기예보에서 태풍이 오고 있다고 했어요...