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GG 시 '예쁜 정원 콘테스트'…오는 19일 온라인 투표 마감
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투표는 웹사이트(ggcity.org/gems)에서 할 수 있다. 시 측은 지난달 1일부터 24일까지 후보 추천을 접수했다. 투표할 때는 총 6개인 시의원 지역구에서 예... |
아이브 안유진, 백상 인기상 수상 소감..“앞으로 발전하는 모습 기대해주길”
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She was well-received and was said to be a 'gold mine' among the entertainment gems discovere... |
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8th edition of the jewelry fair 'GemGeneve' in Geneva epaselect epa11327615 A jeweler places jewelry... |
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jewelry worn by hip-hop's iconic stars, at the Mignone Halls of Gems and Minerals in the Muse... |
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jewelry worn by hip-hop's iconic stars, at the Mignone Halls of Gems and Minerals in the Muse... |
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jewelry worn by hip-hop's iconic stars, at the Mignone Halls of Gems and Minerals in the Muse... |
news-openapi.naver.com |
jewelry worn by hip-hop's iconic stars, at the Mignone Halls of Gems and Minerals in the Muse... |
[Herald Interview] Hanatour CEO talks reshaping travel landscape
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We tirelessly seek out undiscovered gems and expand our network to guide travelers to less-to... |
Read Your Way Through Montreal
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The grandiose maximalism of Cirque du Soleil and Arcade Fire. The gritty punk scene and the t... |
Punchy, Potent Tuna Puttanesca
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caper pops and olive depth, fiery as you like. There are a couple of excellent details in Lid... |
What Happened When the Skating Coaches Wanted a Union
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Sky Rink became one of the gems of the facility and one of the premier rinks in the New York ... |
GongamOre Contents Introduces MYME Global Center at 2024 PlayX4 B2B: Pro...
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Like mining raw stones and turning them into gems, the goal is to discover and turn potential... |
김제시 '한국 가곡 콘서트' 개최
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It is planned to be a concert that can be enjoyed in a familiar way by adding various video images t... |
"미세먼지, 외국영향 30~80%…국내 생성도 적지 않아"
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◆이상덕> 그래서 우리나라 환경부에서는 국립환경과학원과 미국 나사(NASA)에서 두 차례의 항공 관측을 공동으로 수행을 하였습니다. 첫 번째는 201... |
Stream These 10 Movies Before They Leave Netflix in May
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‘Uncut Gems’ (May 8) Stream it here. Adam Sandler turns in his finest film performance to dat... |
2024 예천활축제 기간 다양한 행사 즐겨요
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behind gems such as Guksun-jeon and Gongbang-jeon, a great literary figure in the family. It ... |
The 25 Best Restaurants in Washington, D.C., Right Now
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Sunderam’s cooking visit the West End location or the original in Penn Quarter near the National Mal... |
‘The Royal Hotel,’ ‘Zola’ and More Streaming Gems
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Female-centered buddy comedies, rom-coms and Outback thrillers are among the under-the-radar recomme... |
Michael Cuscuna, Who Unearthed Hidden Jazz Gems, Dies at 75
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Possibly the most prolific archival record producer in history, he was a founder of the Mosaic label... |
Seoul to promote luxurious side of the city
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Likewise, other Michelin-starred gems like Mosu Seoul, Mingles, Kwonsooksoo and La Yeon pay h... |
Awarding-winning Korean literary gems on show at COEX
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By Park Han-solAn array of award-winning Korean literary gems, from a novel recounting the ho... |
K-pop reality audition shows transform, strive to appeal to fandom cultu...
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But for the program's success, the show needs to give its viewers the joy of discovering gems... |
The 25 Best Restaurants in Austin Right Now
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These lists will be updated as restaurants close and open, and as we find new gems to recomme... |
What to Know Before Booking a National Park Trip This Summer
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Sams III, praised the surge of interest in “learning our shared American story throughout the hidden... |
[더벨][호텔신라 생존모드 전환]수익성 강화 위한 기반 구축 '매출 보존'
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2022년 태국법인 GMS듀티프리의 보유 주식 전량을 현지 합작사 겜스갤러리(Gems Gallery)에 넘겼다. GMS듀티프리는 태국 푸껫에서 시내면세점을 운영한 곳이... |
Vieagem gains traction from consumers interested in keepsake jewelry
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Crafting unique gems begins with biomaterials given by clients, including hair, nails, and ev... |
6 New Songs You Should Hear Now
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Olivia Rodrigo: “So American” Olivia Rodrigo’s new expanded edition of last year’s “Guts” — appropri... |
The 25 Best Restaurants in Boston Right Now
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It’s a gorgeous pavilion of red onions, orange sweet potatoes, blue cod, squid and shrimp, wi... |
구례군, 제80회 지리산남악제 및 제43회 군민의 날 행사 개최
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, and in the exhibition room of the Culture and Arts Center, gems of works by members of the ... |
The 25 Best Restaurants in Chicago Right Now
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Bacon-wrapped and chorizo-stuffed medjool dates remain an obligatory starter, as is the melty, lusci... |