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도성훈 인천교육감, 람사르협약 무손다 뭄바 사무총장과 습지교육 간담회
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한국습지학교네트워크 대표, 서승오 동아시아람사르지역센터장과 습지 교육에 관한 간담회를 가졌다고 밝혔다. 인천시교육청에 따르면, 무손다 뭄바 사무총장은...... |
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9 percent increase in the previous month, the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers said. Ne... |
대구한의대, 영덕로하스수산식품지원센터와 맞손
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대구한의대학교(총장 변창훈) 글로벌푸드비즈니스전공(전공주임 양경미)가 영덕로하스수산식품지원센터(센터장 박진석)와 협약을 체결했다고 9일 밝혔다. 이번... ... |
충북교육청, 탄소중립 충북형 몸활동 2.0 본격 추진
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0 Creative physical activity that combines health, enjoyment, and carbon footprint -im changyong rep... |
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9 percent increase in the previous month, the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers said. Ne... |
무신사, '다이닛' 단독 입점…24 SS 캡슐 컬렉션 발매
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봄여름(SS) 캡슐 컬렉션을 단독 발매한다고 13일 밝혔다. 다이닛은 온라인 자사몰 외에 플랫폼 최초로... 이번 24 SS 캡슐 컬렉션 ‘뉴리얼라이제이션... |
남원시 평생학습관, 평생학습 프로그램 수강생 모집
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이번 2차 평생학습 프로그램은 인문교양, 문화예술, 성인진로 등 분야별로 「이런(learn)저런(learn)」(평생학습관)에서 ▲영어회화 ▲업사이클(재활용)·홈패션·양... |
한화시스템 사내벤처, 우주 신소재 태양전지 검증 나서
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첫 단계로, 방사능과 태양열에 의한 극고온·극저온 등이 반복되는 실제 우주 환경을 견디며 실용 가치가 있음을 입증할 예정"이라고 밝혔다. By 이준성 (코리아... |
Korea’s Ruling and opposition parties announce divided opinions on rece...
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are no acts that go against its interests.” PPP spokesperson Ho Jun-seok said in a commentary... |
$2.2 Million Homes in California
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Taxes: $21,950 (estimated) Contact: Anja Plowright, The Grubb Co., 510-593-8376; 1910yosemite... |
이천시, 2024년 기초단체장 공약이행평가 A등급(우수) 선정
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통합과 AI 기술 도입’을 통해 범죄적발, 응급시민 구조 등의 성과를 올려 지난해... of AI technology', and in July of las... |
AI Recreating Lost Voice
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Alexis Bogan, whose speech was impaired by a brain tumor, uses mobile phone with an app that feature... |
POSTECH 감종훈 교수팀, 농업용 저수지 저수량과 총 유기 탄소 시공간적 분석...
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가뭄이 수자원 관리 시스템에 미치는 수(水)문학적 영향을 분석했다. 이번 연구는 수자원 분야 국제 학술지인 '물 연구(Water Research)'에 최근... |
'창립 100년' 삼양그룹…'글로벌 스페셜티'로 석화 불황 뚫는다
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이온교환수지는 이온 교환 능력을 갖는 합성수지로 주로 수처리 및 특정 물질 분리 정제 용도로 사용된다. 의약·반도체·촉매 등 다양한 분야에서 쓰인다. 삼양사는 국내 유... |
HYBE chairman 'repeatedly ignored NewJeans members,' according to parent...
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Bang Si-hyuk, "repeatedly ignored the members of NewJeans when they said hello to him in... |
Korea's largest immersive media hall Le Space opens in Incheon
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visitors who take pictures in its photogenic spaces. Le Space is doing the same, with short v... |
울진군, ‘미세먼지 흡착필터’부착버스 운영... 탄소중립 선도
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질소산화물(NOx), 휘발성유기화합물(VOCs) 등 대기 중에 있는 유해 오염 물질을... oxides (NOx), and volatile organic ... |
US Autos BYD
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S.-made electric vehicles that cost three times as much. Tariffs on imported Chinese vehicles probab... |
PM discusses bilateral ties with Slovak FM
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the Slovak government supports the peaceful unification of the peninsula and further peaceful soluti... |
Priced Out of Housing, Communities Take Development Into Their Own Hands
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Roughly 500 more residents contributed $50 each to join the project as co-op members. The $20... |
AI Recreating Lost Voice
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Alexis Bogan Alexis Bogan types a response to a reporter's question with an app which approximates h... |
윤호중 의원 “대통령의 권한 남용 제한과 무당적화’...원 포인트 개헌 제안...
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is no disagreement between the ruling and opposition parties, should be included in the pream... |
(3rd LD) 2 S. Korean players suffer injuries during MLB games
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Tyler Fitzgerald took over in center field before Lee, who was to bat leadoff in the bottom o... |
Korean business leaders meet Japanese prime minister amid Line dispute
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Samyang Holdings Chairman Kim Yoon, who leads the association, met with Kishida, along with H... |
베이포투스, RSV로 인한 영아 입원율 82% 감소 입증... 실사용증거 의학전문지...
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사노피 백신사업부문 수석 부사장 토마스 트리옹프 (Thomas Triomphe)은 "베이포투스 도입 후 보인 효과와 접종속도는 전 영아 대상 RSV 예방 항체... |
US Autos BYD
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S.-made electric vehicles that cost three times as much. Tariffs on imported Chinese vehicles probab... |
‘런닝맨’, 변우석 출연에 시청률도 껑충..2049 1위+분당 최고 6.3%
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Yoo Jae-seok, who was looking at the back of Byun Woo-seok, said, “You look handsome just by looking... |
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9 percent increase in the previous month, the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers said. Ne... |
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There are warnings heavy rain could lead to flash flooding as Sydney's Warragamba Dam starts spillin... |
Toss Securities logs record quarterly profit in Q1
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The company attributed its success primarily to the growth in its overseas market transactions, whic... |