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GPU 품귀현상에 광주AI데이터센터 뜬다
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Gwangju AI data center pops up amid GPU shortage Equipped with NVIDIA ‘H100’ for the first ti... |
Cannes Film Festival: 5 Things to Look for
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What will be the movie that no one is anticipating before the festival but everyone will be t... |
Adultery Gets Weird in Miranda July’s New Novel
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One pops up late on Harris’s arm, as the marriage reconfigures, but otherwise they’re strange... |
Is Everything A.S.M.R. Now?
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A video of a fashion influencer getting dressed may emphasize the sound of a zipper being pulled or ... |
홍준표 "윤석열 부득이하게 받아들여 모시고 있지만 한동훈은 용서 어려워"
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for 'suddenly pops out'). He explained, "We are informing the public and party members o... |
Apple’s New iPad Ad Leaves Its Creative Audience Feeling … Flat
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In a final act of destruction, it pops the eyes out of a ball-shaped yellow emoji. When the c... |
Brittney Griner, in Her Own Words
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“I’m proud of Pops, he’s proud of me, and we’re finally at peace,” she writes.) Griner, ably ... |
'전설의 붕어빵' 윌로우, 팀 P.O 진출 앞두고 아빠 랜디 존슨과 '투샷'
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윌로우는 7일(이하 한국시간) 개인 SNS 계정을 통해 아버지 랜디 존슨과 함께 한 사진을 올리며 'Dinner date w pops'라는 게시글을 함께 올렸다. '빅... |
'전설의 붕어빵' 윌로우, 팀 P.O 진출 앞두고 아빠 랜디 존슨과 '투샷'
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윌로우는 7일(이하 한국시간) 개인 SNS 계정을 통해 아버지 랜디 존슨과 함께 한 사진을 올리며 'Dinner date w pops'라는 게시글을 함께 올렸다. '빅... |
Crispy, Speedy, Over the Top
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Speaking of crispy stir-fries, here’s my piquant and speedy green beans with pork and chiles, season... |
'유방암 1기' 방송인 사라, '재발' 우려에 오열..."불안은 평생을 함께한다" ...
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영국 음악 차트 '탑 오브 더 팝스'(Top of the Pops) 진행자로 유명한 사라 캐우드(51)가 안타까운 근황을 공개했다. 6일(현지 시간) 사라 캐우드는 개... |
'유방암 1기' 방송인 사라, '재발' 우려에 오열..."불안은 평생을 함께한다" ...
news-openapi.naver.com |
영국 음악 차트 '탑 오브 더 팝스'(Top of the Pops) 진행자로 유명한 사라 캐우드(51)가 안타까운 근황을 공개했다. 6일(현지 시간) 사라 캐우드는 개... |
Growing Up Is Hard. ‘The Skunks’ Is Here to Help You Through the Chaos...
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He pops by the house to pick up something and Isabel gets caught in the inexplicable, and ind... |
Punchy, Potent Tuna Puttanesca
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caper pops and olive depth, fiery as you like. There are a couple of excellent details in Lid... |
What to Know About ‘Unfrosted’ and the Real History of Pop-Tarts
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The ones in the film — Fruit-Magoos, Heat ’Em Up and Eat ’Em Ups, Oblong Nibblers, Trat Pops ... |
Frank Wakefield, Who Expanded the Mandolin’s Range, Dies at 89
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He performed with Leonard Bernstein and the New York Philharmonic at Carnegie Hall in 1967 and made ... |
[INTERVIEW] ‘Mashiketta’ singer Donna Goldn blends Korean tapestry int...
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So I mentioned Bongbong Grape Juice and Melona ice pops in the lyrics, as they were our favor... |
'AI 가속기' 춘추전국시대, 엔비디아 독주 견제할 전략은 [권용만의 긱랩]
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현재 상용화된 'X220'은 SK브로드밴드 가산 IDC에 7.6페타옵스(POPS) 성능의 신경망처리장치(NPU)팜도 구축돼 있다. 한편, 사피온은 지난 11월 차세대 ... |
Enrique Olvera Heads to Brooklyn With Esse Taco
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Sammy’s Roumanian Steakhouse returns after an extended Covid closure, Mission Chinese pops up... |
NewJeans pops out ‘Bubble Gum’ video amid troubles at agency
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NewJeans kicked off promotion for the group's upcoming album by releasing the music video for “Bubbl... |
Big stick energy: Learning lacrosse with the Seoul Jindos
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hip pops, my old friend), heel sweeps, toe taps and a grapevine. At this point another senior... |
Cristian Macelaru, Decorated Maestro, to Lead Cincinnati Symphony
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“They wear so many hats when playing for an opera or ballet or pops or symphonic repertoire,”... |
Big stick energy: Learning lacrosse with the Seoul Jindos
news-openapi.naver.com |
hip pops, my old friend), heel sweeps, toe taps and a grapevine. At this point another senior... |
잘나가던 ‘뉴진스맘’ 민희진 전격 감사착수…“독립 시도 정황”
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앞서 민 대표는 일본 NHK 다큐멘터리 ‘세계에 울리는 노래-일한(日韓) 팝스(POPS) 신시대’를 통해서도 집중 조명된 바 있다. 당시 민 대표는 뉴진스 탄생 배경에... |
A Novel of Lost Daughters and Waylaid Lives
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Alas, that doesn’t prevent her from coming off as a creepy stalker: She hides in a back booth at the... |
Adidas Unveils Innovative Team Kits for Paris 2024 Olympics and Paralymp...
news-openapi.naver.com |
The use of repeated line patterns and strategic pops of color in the kits' graphics aims to v... |
[과학이야기] 낙동강 과불화화합물(PFAS) 이슈- 전준호(창원대 스마트그린공학...
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낙동강은 4대강 중에서 PFAS의 농도가 상대적으로 높은 것으로 알려져 있는데, 주요 PFAS의 농도는 미국의 먹는물기준에 비하면 높은 수준으로 알려져 있다. 물론, ... |
인텔, 11억 5천만 뉴런 내장 신경망 컴퓨터 '할라 포인트' 공개
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(사진=인텔) 인텔은 "할라 포인트는 기존 심층 신경망 연산 처리시 8비트 기준 와트당 15 TOPS(초당 조 횟수의 연산 처리) 이상, 초당 최대 20 POPS |
A Quiet Sunday Night in Syracuse, and Then a Deadly Ambush
news-openapi.naver.com |
He called to his wife: “Who the hell is shooting off all these fireworks at this time of night?” The... |
S’mores Kits? Saunas? Short-Term Rental Hosts Scramble to Stand Out.
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Their houses are designed with bright interiors — vibrant wallpaper, neon signs, colorful murals, |