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수집 사이트 수 : 2 수집된 정보 : 1056914총 태그 수 : 13160 매칭된 태그 수 : 16434628
최근 업데이트 된 사이트 수 : 2 최근 한주 정보 : 897
세부 정보 보기
What Activities or Hobbies Do You Do With Your Family? |
Where she is poised, classy and no-nonsense, I am goofy, outgoing, a people pleaser. My whole... |
단 거 멈춰! 당 섭취를 줄이는 가장 쉬운 방법 7 |
WHO에서 발표한 1일 설탕 섭취 권장량은 25g이다. 컵에 담긴 아이스 바닐라 라테 한 잔만 마셔도 권장 섭취량을 넘는다. 당 함유량을 일일이 확인하다 보면 무턱대고... |
Veteran of spy war fights for justice |
people who were close to me. They gave me the cold shoulder and brushed me off. Some even... ... |
AI Recreating Lost Voice |
Alexis Bogan, whose speech was impaired by a brain tumor, uses an AI powered smartphone app t... |
Bo Burnham Is Everywhere. He’s Just Very Good at Pretending to Disappea... |
in no new specials, movies or live shows. Except for “Inside” outtakes, he hasn’t shown up...... |
Women in Buddhist Art: ‘Unsullied, Like a Lotus in Mud’ |
goddesses, who have a distinct identity as female deities, represented through various Buddhi... |
삼성전자, 유럽서 전자레인지 시장 점유율 7년 연속 1위 달성 |
consumers who are highly interested in kitchen interiors. Since 2019, reflecting the high int... |
A Small and Modest Sanctuary: Thomas Choi Birth Memorial Chapel |
To Father Choi, who traversed about 90,000 li (about 35,000km) on foot over 11 years, Cheonsa... |
[동정] 강성규 가천대 길병원 교수, 국제산업보건학회장 연임 |
열린 '34회 ICOH 국제학술대회'에서 임기 3년(2024~2027년)의 회장에 다시 선출됐다. 1096년 설립한 ICOH는 국제노동기구(ILO)와 세계보건기구(WHO |
Wife of Thai migrant worker who was killed in Hamas attack meets the press A candle is lit ne... |
혈압·혈당에 신경 썼더니...살도 빠지는 식습관은? |
하지만 한국인은 세계보건기구(WHO)의 하루 권장량(5g)의 2~3배를 먹는 게 문제다. 소금에 절인 채소-생선, 국물 음식이 많기 때문이다. 혈압을 올리고 당뇨병 예... |
(2nd LD) 2 S. Korean players suffer injuries during MLB games |
Tyler Fitzgerald took over in center field before Lee, who was to bat leadoff in the bottom o... |
“보건의료 미래 위해 디지털화 필요” |
그는 GPW14(The Fourteenth General of Programme of Work)을 발언하며 기후변화와 건강에 대한 혁신적 조치 필수의료 보장에 대한 불... |
Wife of Thai migrant worker who was killed in Hamas attack meets the press Narisara Malee (R)... |
Wife of Thai migrant worker who was killed in Hamas attack meets the press Narisara Malee, th... |
Today’s Wordle Review No. 1,059 |
testers who are paid to solve each puzzle in advance to help us catch any issues and... Today... |
건보공단, 보건의료 미래 위한 국제포럼 개최 |
행사에는 국제사회보장협회(ISSA), 세계보건기구 서태평양지역사무소(WHO WPRO), 하버드 의대, 국립대만 의대 등 국제기구 관계자와 국내외 유명 학자 등 150여... |
허찬미, ‘트롯챔피언’서 열정 가득 ‘토요일 밤에’ 첫 컴백 무대 |
STELLA, a new trot composer who composed Jang Yoon-jeong's 'I Like It So Good' as well as Heo... |
Wife of Thai migrant worker who was killed in Hamas attack meets the press Narisara Malee (R)... |
The Connections Companion No. 337 |
Today’s difficulty The difficulty of each puzzle is determined by averaging the ratings provided by ... |
Korea's largest immersive media hall Le Space opens in Incheon |
visitors who take pictures in its photogenic spaces. Le Space is doing the same, with short v... |
가천대 길병원 직업환경의학과 강성규 교수, ‘ICOH 마라케시 선언’ 주도 |
서울선언), 석면사용중단 및 석면관련질환 예방 성명(2014년 헬싱키 선언) 등 각종 직업병과 산재사고 예방에 대한 국제적인 의제 선언 및 성명을 주도하고... |
A Night to Remember at the Opera, Complete With a Phantom |
to reach out to the young. Mr. Giambrone sought to dispel opera's stuffy image by abandoning ... |
With Extensive Planning, and Treats, 2,500 Show Dogs Descend on New York |
The A-listers who traveled to New York this past weekend, gathering for the biggest event of.... |
Philippine domestic helpers should be paid minimum wage: ambassador |
workers who will begin working in Seoul later this year, Philippine Ambassador to Korea Maria... |
[Herald Review] Highlight kicks off Asia tour with memory-filled Seoul c... |
Despite heavy rain, the KSPO Dome in Seoul on Saturday was packed with fans who had to come t... |
‘런닝맨’, 변우석 출연에 시청률도 껑충..2049 1위+분당 최고 6.3% |
Yoo Jae-seok, who was looking at the back of Byun Woo-seok, said, “You look handsome just by looking... |
Robert Menendez’s Trial Is Set to Begin, With a Sprawling Web of Charge... |
Menendez, who is accused of being at the center of an international bribery scheme involving.... |
[Herald Interview] Kimsooja expands Bottari philosophy with vast mirror ... |
The mirrors are an installation entitled "To Breathe -- Constellation,” by South Korean artist ... |
Naver under growing pressure not to sell stake in Line to SoftBank |
members who have strived to gain global recognition for Line, which started as a Naver servic... |